Two Flights of Stairs: Sex Before Squash

Squash Magazine has just published a review of Austin Francis’ Smart Squash, his 2014 squash manual which was issued late last year.

Francis has a short chapter that wrestles with an ancient issue. (The chapter is a reprint of what appears originally in his 1977 Smart Squash book.) The question is  whether you should have sex before playing a serious match. Francis’ conclusion is no, not for a forty-eight-hour period beforehand.

Francis states that “reliable research is hard to come by on this subject. Had Masters and Johnson been squash players, we might not still be up in the air over the solution to this intriguing problem.”

However, thirty-eight years later, we now do have the research and more or less the answer is: go ahead.—facts-and-myths.html

These articles give the following interesting data: Exhaustion cannot be a great factor since most sexual intercourse burns only 25–50 calories—the equivalent of walking up two flights of stairs.

The key, they all say, is following the logic of former New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel who once quipped: “It’s not the sex that wrecks these guys, it’s staying up all night looking for it.”



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