Moses and the Fifty Shades of Squash Grey

One of the joys of playing league squash is that you sit around and chat in an unhurried way with a small group of like-minded folks. This is often the best time to hear stories about my books—who has read one or been given a fifth copy or finding one in friends’ bathrooms or whatever.

Last night after our match, we got to talking. One guy said that he has figured out a new use for my Squash: A History of the Game book. It is the perfect thickness to use to prop up a Moses basket. The only problem is that he has twins, so he needs a second copy.

Another guy said that he was recently doing an installation at a home and saw a copy of Run to the Roar on a bedside table. He told his colleague that he had read the book and amazingly enough even knew the authors, blah blah blah. He went over to show him the book. It turned out it was just the dust jacket of RTTR. The book inside was not the stirring tale of a coach learning how to mold youngsters from around the globe into a team, overcoming adversity and learning how to be a parent, but rather a well-thumbed copy of Fifty Shades.

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